Monday, April 27, 2020

Reclaiming our Stories: Women of Genesis

If you know me at all, you know that I don't think the women of the Bible get the credit that they deserve. They barely get any face-time in the three-year lectionary, and are mostly used to prop up the stories for, of, and about men. I don't love it.

But I do love the stories of these women. So as time got slower and my theological brain began to fill with cobwebs, I reached out to some of my trusted and fantastic colleagues and friends, wondering about what it could mean for us to write for, of, and about the incredible women of Genesis.

Over the next twelve weeks we will be looking at parts of these women's stories and lifting up our own reflections and inviting you into the conversation as well. You'll find it posted every Monday morning right here.

Here are the women we will encounter:

Eve by Sarah Locke
Noah's Wife by Vicki Hamilton
Sarai/Sarah by Mandy Achterberg
Hagar by Sarah Locke
Lot's Wife by Alexandria Long
Rebekah by Tobi Fleck
Rachel by Hannah Bardin
Leah by Sarah Locke
Bilhah & Zilpah by Sarah Locke
Dinah by Sarah Locke
Tamar by Vicki Hamilton
Potiphar's Wife by Jennifer Roberts

I invite you into this sacred space over the next twelve weeks to explore a little more of what these women's stories might be speaking into your own story. They are our ancestors, after all. Their blood runs in our veins and we are made of the same breath that created them. Dig deep into their stories and you might find out something about yourself along the way.

Peace to you and be well.

**If you're a church leader and your context is fully affirming and celebrating of the LGBTQIA+ community, please feel free to use these reflections in your own contexts. If your community is not, please feel free to ask permission before using. At the end of the twelve weeks, we will package it all into a pretty little Bible study booklet for your use.**


  1. As a member of Redeemer may I join this group? I would live to know more about all the women of the Bible. If not, perhaps Redeemer can have a similar class.

    1. Yes, Redeemer is having a Bible study every Tuesday evening at 7pm. You can find more details on the Tuesday emails that go out every week. You can also find more information at
