Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Reading the Acts of the Apostles in 30 Days

I've been really craving the Word lately, but all of the reading plans I found were something like "read the Bible in 30 seconds!" and I feel like all I have is time right now, so I wanted something a little lower-pressure. So I made my own to share with you. I hope you'll join me! 

Day 1 - 1–1:26 - Transition: reprise of the preface addressed to Theophilus and the closing events of the gospel

Petrine Christianity: the Jewish church from Jerusalem to Antioch (Acts 2:1–12:25)

2:1–8:1 – beginnings in Jerusalem

Day 2 - 2:1-47
Day 3 - 3:1-26
Day 4 - 4:1-37
Day 5 - 5:1-42
Day 6 - 6:1-15
Day 7 - 7:1-8:1 

Day 8 - 8:2–40 – the church expands to Samaria and beyond

Day 9 - 9:1–31 – conversion of Paul

9:32–12:25 – the conversion of Cornelius, and the formation of the Antioch church

Day 10 - 9:32-43
Day 11 - 10:1-48
Day 12 - 11:1-30 
Day 13 - 12:1-25

Pauline Christianity: the Gentile mission from Antioch to Rome (Acts 13:1–28:21)

13:1–14:28 – the Gentile mission is promoted from Antioch

Day 14 - 13:1-52
Day 15 - 14:1-28

Day 16 - 15:1–35 – the Gentile mission is confirmed in Jerusalem

15:36–28:31 – the Gentile mission, climaxing in Paul's passion story in Rome (21:17–28:31)

Day 17 - 15:36-41
Day 18 - 16:1-40
Day 19 - 17:1-34
Day 20 - 18:1-28 
Day 21 - 19:1-41 
Day 22 - 20:1-38
Day 23 - 21:1-40 
Day 24 - 22:1-30
Day 25 - 23:1-35 
Day 26 - 24:1-27
Day 27 - 25:1-27
Day 28 - 26:1-32 
Day 29 - 27:1-44 
Day 30 - 28:1-31 

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